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Monday, October 18, 2010

Tus Manos by Pablo Neruda (Español -English-Français )

In school, poetry was the only reason I liked Spanish. The grammar rules were complicated but the poetry was so clear and melodious. Here one of my favorite of Pablo Neruda. It is about life, love, and caring hands. It is a powerful mix of nostalgia,passion, and gratefulness. It is real and universal. 
Here for the video in Spanish, it is intense and smooth.
Same Moonlight for our dreams.
Happy Monday!  

Tus manos
Cuando tus manos salen,
amor, hacia las mías,
¿qué me traen volando?
¿Por qué se detuvieron
en mi boca, de pronto,
por qué las reconozco
como si entonces, antes,
las hubiera tocado,
como si antes de ser
hubieran recorrido
mi frente, mi cintura?
Su suavidad venía
volando sobre el tiempo,
sobre el mar, sobre el humo,
sobre la primavera,
y cuando tú pusiste
tus manos en mi pecho,
reconocí esas alas
de paloma dorada,
reconocí esa greda
y ese color de trigo.
Los años de mi vida
yo caminé buscándolas.
Subí las escaleras,
crucé los arrecifes,
me llevaron los trenes
las aguas me trajeron,
y en la piel de las uvas
me pareció tocarte.

La madera de pronto
me trajo tu contacto,
la almendra me anunciaba
tu suavidad secreta,
hasta que se cerraron
tus manos en mi pecho
y allí como dos alas
terminaron su viaje

Your Hands
towards mine, love,
what do they bring me in flight?
Why did they stop
at my lips, so suddenly,
why do I know them,
as if once before,
I have touched them,
as if, before being,
they travelled
my forehead, my waist?
Their smoothness came
winging through time,
over the sea and the smoke,
over the Spring,
and when you laid
your hands on my chest
I knew those wings
of the gold doves,
I knew that clay,
and that colour of grain.
The years of my life
have been roadways of searching,
a climbing of stairs,
a crossing of reefs.
Trains hurled me onwards
waters recalled me,
on the surface of grapes
it seemed that I touched you.
Wood, of a sudden,
made contact with you,
the almond-tree summoned
your hidden smoothness,
until both your hands
closed on my chest,
like a pair of wings
ending their flight. 

Tes Mains
Lorsque tes mains s’envolent,
mon amour, vers les miennes,
que m’apporte leur vol ?
Pourquoi s’être arrêtées
brusquement sur ma bouche,
se faisant familières
comme si lors, avant,
je les avais touchées,
comme si avant couru
sur mon front, sur ma taille ?
Leur douceur s’avançait
en volant sur le temps,
sur la mer, la fumée,
sur le printemps aussi,
et quand tu as posé
tes mains sur ma poitrine,
j’ai reconnu ces ailes
de colombe dorée,
reconnu cette argile,
cette couleur de blé.
J’ai passé mes années
à marcher, les quêtant.
J'ai franchi les récifs,
gravi les escaliers,
les trains m’ont ramené,
dans la peau du raisin
je croyais te palper. 

Le bois m’apporté
un beau jour ton contact,
l’amande m’annonçait
ta secrète douceur,
lorsque ma poitrine
tes mains se sont fermées
et là comme deux ailes
ont fini leur voyage. 


  1. I've been a fan of Pablo Neruda since reading 20 Love Poems and A Song of Despair...he's definitely a poet's poet. (^_^)

  2. Ohoh yes, he is "a poet's poet". I started with Frederico Garcia Lorca then moved to Pablo Neruda.He is a romantic which is always welcome.
    Even if you cannot translate the music.I love the translations because sharing magic melodies is good for soul.:)

  3. Thanks a lot for the translation into English and French, I'm originally from Chile and Neruda's poetry is just superb, I'm especially in love with this one, I would recommend you to watch a clip name "Tus manos-Pablo Neruda" by bukanio, whith Uruguayan singer voice Laura Canoura and Italian music composer Ludovico Eunaidi.

  4. What can I say. Pablo Neruda is the best.



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